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Short for Regex (re) Nag (like “one who complains”).

Now also PEGs (Parsing Expression Grammars) compatible with pyparsing!

A Regex based linter tool that works for any language and works exclusively with custom linting rules.


renag is based on the concept of Complainers. See renag/ for the interface to create your own Complainer and examples for some prebuilt examples.

Complainers can be as simple as the following:

class PrintComplainer(Complainer):
    """Print statements can slow down code."""

    capture = r"print\(.*\)"
    severity = Severity.WARNING
    glob = ["*.py"]

This has 4 fundamental parts:

  • docstring - The docstring of the class automatically becomes the description of the error.

  • capture - A regex statement that, if matched, will raise the complaint.

  • severity - Either WARNING which will return exit code 0, or CRITICAL which will return exit code 1.

  • glob - A list of glob wildcards that define what files to run the Complainer on.

Next you can add a check method to your Complainer if you would like something more complicated than simple regex.

class PrintComplainer(Complainer):
    """Print statements can slow down code."""

    def check(self, txt: str, path: Path, capture_span: Span) -> List[Complaint]:
          """Check that the print statement is not commented out before complaining."""
          # Get the line number
          lines, line_numbers = get_lines_and_numbers(txt, capture_span)

          # Check on the first line of the capture_span that the capture is not preceded by a '#'
          # In such a case, the print has been commented out
          if lines[0].count("#") > 0 and lines[0].index("#") < capture_span[0]:

              # If it is the case that the print was commented out, we do not need to complain
              # So we will return an empty list of complaints
              return []

          # Otherwise we will do as normal
          return super().check(txt=txt, path=path, capture_span=capture_span)

Adding to your project

Simply put this complainer in a python module in your project like so:


Import each complainer inside so it can be imported via from .{complainers_dir_name} import *.

Then add the following to your .pre-commit-hooks.yaml file:

- repo:
  rev: "0.3.3"
    - id: renag
        - "--load_module"
        - "{complainers_dir_name}"
        - "--staged"

Run renag --help to see a list of command line arguments you can add to the hook.


Complaint printout modeled after rust error reporting. Example of a Complaint:

Severity.WARNING - EasyPrintComplainer: Print statements can slow down code.
  --> renag/
   147|                                 )
   148|                                 print()
   150|     # End by exiting the program
   151|     if N == 0:
   152|         print(color_txt("No complaints. Enjoy the rest of your day!", BColors.OKGREEN))
   152|         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   153|         exit(0)
   154|     if N_WARNINGS > 0 and N_CRITICAL == 0:
   155|         print(
   156|             color_txt(
   157|                 f"{N} Complaints found: {N_WARNINGS} Warnings, {N_CRITICAL} Critical.",


All regex captures in this module default to using iregex. iregex can help make your regex more understandable to readers, and allow you to compose large regex statements (see examples/ for examples).